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Quito, the capital of Ecuador, lies in northwestern South America. Itwas founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city and stands at an altitude of 2,850 m. Despite the 1917 earthquake, the city has the best-preserved, least altered historic centre in Latin America. The monasteries of San Francisco and Santo Domingo, and the Church and Jesuit College of La Compañía, with their rich interiors, are pure examples of the 'Baroque school of Quito', which is a fusion of Spanish, Italian, Moorish, Flemish and indigenous art (Source: UNESCO). Its coat of arms (Escudo de Armas de la Ciudad de San Francisco de Quito) awarded in 1541, appears to the left.

Quito, officially San Francisco de Quito, is located in northern Ecuador in the Guayllabamba river basin, on the eastern slopes of Pichincha, an active stratovolcano in the Andes mountains (see map). With an estimated population of about 2.1 million people as of 2007, Quito is the second most populous city in Ecuador, after Guayaquil. It is also the seat of the Quito Metropolitan District, home to 2 million residents, and the capital of the Pichincha province. As the headquarters of the newly-formed Union of South American Nations, Quito is also the de facto capital of South American integration. The city's elevation is, on average, 2,800 m (about 9,200 ft), making Quito the second highest capital city in the world.

Quito is about 15 miles (25 km) south of the equator. A monument and museum marking the general location of the equator is known locally as la mitad del mundo (the middle of the world). Due to its high altitude and position on the equator, Quito has a constant, mild to cool climate year 'round. The typical high temperature at noon is 26°C (78ºF) and the typical night-time low is 7°C (55ºF). The average temperature is 15° C (64ºF). The city experiences only two seasons: dry and wet. The dry season, June through September, is referred to as summer; the wet season, October through May, is referred to as winter. Because of its location at the equator, Quito does not experience variations in daylight hours during the course of a year. Except for a few minutes resulting from a slight wobble in the earth as it rotates, sunrise and sunset are always at 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., respectively. Although it is in the same time zone as the eastern United States (except for the Galápagos Islands, which correspond to the U.S. central time zone), Ecuador does not switch to daylight savings time. It is interesting to note that while Ecuador is on the Pacific coast of South America, the city of Quito is due south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

(Text and map of Ecuador adapted from: Quito (2008). From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)

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Free pictures of scenes around Quito, Ecuador. Quito-by-night and Quito Zoo scenes are separate.

Looking across the plaza towards the moon from the Basilica del Voto Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
The Basilica del Voto Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
Iglesia de San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador
Fountain at the Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador
Brightly lit church as seen from the Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador
Movie of musicians at the Tianguez Café at the Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador

Movie of Bridal party "chiva" near the Tianguez Café at the Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador
Bridal party "chiva" approaching the Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador
Bridal party "chiva" in front of the Tianguez Café at the Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador
Typical meal at the Tianguez Café at the Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador
Plaza de San Francisco, in Quito, Ecuador
View of Quito, looking north from The Virgen of Quito on the Panecillo hill, in Quito, Ecuador
View of Quito, looking south from The Virgen of Quito on the Panecillo hill, in Quito, Ecuador

View of Quito, looking eastfrom The Virgen of Quito on the Panecillo hill, in Quito, Ecuador
View of Quito, looking east from The Virgen of Quito on the Panecillo hill, in Quito, Ecuador
The Virgen of Quito on the Panecillo hill, in Quito, Ecuador
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Fotos libre de Quito, Ecuador

San Francisco de Quito es la capital de la República del Ecuador y de la provincia de Pichincha, y es además la cabecera del cantón homónimo. En 1993 el nombre oficial fue cambiado por Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.
La ciudad de Quito es la segunda más poblada del país con 1.700.458 habitantes; esta población corresponde únicamente al valle principal donde se asienta la ciudad. Su temperatura oscila entre los 7° y 22° centígrados. Quito está rodeada por montañas, algunas de las cuales son volcanes y nevados, y es reconocida mundialmente por tener un tesoro colonial de pinturas, esculturas y tallados. Los interiores de sus templos y conventos son verdaderos museos en los cuales se puede ver piezas maestras de la Escuela Quiteña de escultura y tallados de madera, lo cual ha hecho que Quito merezca el nombre de "Florencia de América". En 1978 la UNESCO la declaró como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.
El Distrito Metropolitano de Quito comprende una población que sobrepasa los 2.000.000 de personas. Esto se debe a que por su condición de capital ha aglomerado una gran cantidad de habitantes de otras provincias y de otros lugares del planeta, convirtiéndola en una ciudad cosmopolita y en la actualidad Quito es la capital economica del Ecuador desplazando a Guayaquil, que ocupaba este puesto hasta finales del siglo XX.

(Adaptatdo de: Quito. (2008). De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre)

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    This page last updated January 2015