Inside the main section of the Basilica Cathedral of Arequipa (Basílica Catedral).

Construction began in 1540, when the city was chartered. It is made of white petrified volcanic lava (sillar). Earthquakes destroyed major sections of the cathedral many times, and even to rubble just after it was first completed. The last was in 2001. Click for a video of a priest singing during a chapel service in the Arequipa Cathedral

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Primer monumento religioso del siglo XVII en Arequipa, un edificio construido en sillar cubierto bóvedas góticas de ladrillo. Está ubicada en la plaza de armas, ocupando su fachada todo el frente norte, con 70 columnas y 3 portadas. Su aspecto es imponente, irguiéndose sobre ella dos torres estilizadas. Son notables su altar mayor de mármol de Carrara, su sillería del coro, la sacristía, su gran órgano y su púpito de madera.

(Adapted from: the Municipal Web Page of Arequipa, Peru. 2007)

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This page last updated January 2015