Free Photo: Orangutans play at the Leipzig Zoo, Germany

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Orangutans swinging from ropes in their enclosure at the Leipzig Zoo's Pongoland in Leipzig Germany.

These orangish-red-haired great apes have long arms and curved hands and feet, which they put to good use when traversing the treetops. Older orangutans usually move through the trees on all fours, while young ones often brachiate, or swing hand over hand. Males have longer hair than females and disc-like cheek pads.

Both sexes have throat pouches that make their calls resonate through the forest. The males' pouches are more developed. Orangutans crush tough foliage and hard-shelled nuts with their strong teeth and jaws. Two species exist: P. pygmaeus of Borneo, and the Sumatran species, P. abelii. Outside of their native ranges, they can be differentiated only through chromosomal or DNA analysis. (source:

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This page last updated January 2015